Tuesday 18 March 2014

Q2) how does your media product represent particular social groups?

Ways in which characters are portrayedpresented to the audience
In teen films we see that representation is used to introduce the character

 Due to our predjustice's people in society feel that CHEERLEADERS are stupid, blonde overconfident 'bitches' who feel that by dressing prerogative can get them everywhere

Geeks - Nerds representation in teen film would be shown as quiet people who wear glasses and known for being pushovers from the bullies, jocks and cheerleaders

Jocks- Baseball jackets with hats and jeans represented to be the most popular people in the whole school and get a lot of attention from ladies  

Teen social groups that we represented in our film openings (refer to stereotype)

The It Girls- In urban drama the girls are mostly represented to be rude and mean so we conveyed with this stereotype in our film opening which allows to show a certain genre in conventions in a teen film

Bully- Bullying has been represented in Mean Girls where we see the new girl finds it hard to fit in with the other girls this is the main topic in our film opening as we agree with the stereotypes portrayed in teen films. 

Binary oppositions between characters in our film opening/ Mean Girls/ St Trinians 
Bullies- Group of girls vs our teen film opening two girls (ethnicity was the same)
Means Girls is based inside a school vs our teen film opening where it based between a estate and a school.
St Trinians is shown to wear a school uniform vs our film teen opening where we see the bullies are shown to be wearing the same uniform but add their own twists which elaborates their different character and personality in the teen film opening.

Have you represented them in a positive or negative aspect (relate to real media)
In our film opening we have represented the two bullies in a negative aspect this was expected of them as bullies are expected to act a of a higher  superior towards others as the media represents bullies in films in this manner in doing so we have conveyed the convention themes as we have used inspiration from other movies to grasp the roles of our characters  

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