Monday 30 December 2013

Representations and Stereotypes

Stereotype=widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of  particular type of person, thing or group

In the movie Not Just Another Movie we see that stereotype is used in each characters to represent teenagers in high school

                                   The Popular Jock

The jock is shown to be the most popular guy in the school and the most good looking which allows them to grab female attention,they are more in sports,girls and partying which are some of the representations shown in teen films when it comes to school like the cheerleaders they are not interest

                                 The Pretty Ugly Girl

                                   The Token Black Guy

The token black guy is a typical representation of black people portrayed in teen films

                                          The Cheerleaders

The cheerleaders also known as the dumb blondes are known for their good looks and slutty dress sense in order to attract the males attention mainly the jocks when it comes to school their are not interested.

                    The Obsessed Best Friend

                                                     The Nerds

The nerds were shown to be the outcast group as they were the least popular due to their academic knowledge and interest of education instead of socialising, partying things that people expect normal teenagers do. Their costume is shown to be the same like a uniform. 

Intertextualtiy= Using other movies exaggerated for the sake of the audience entertainment as well as showing representations.


Sunday 29 December 2013

Write up of Mean Girls

Mean Girls is a teen movie , based on the Protagonist Cady
and her journey in settling in school and the issue and complication
of trying to be with the popular crowd .

When watching the movie , there are many issues and topics that make this film relatable to its audience .

Themes and Topics :

  • Love
  • Friendship
  • Popularity / Hierarchy
  • Relationships
  • Individuality
  • Diversity
  • Partying
Conventional Characters :

  • Popular Girl
  • Outsider
  • Newbie
  • Popular Boy
  • Other Popular Girls
  • Outsider Friends

Conventional Locations :

  • School
  • Houses
  • Local  Hangout
  • Shopping Centre / Mall    

Characters :
  • Lindsay Lohan as Cady Heron
  • Rachel McAdams as Regina George
  • Lizzy Caplan as Janis Ian
  • Lacey Chabert as Gretchen Wieners
  • Amanda Seyfried as Karen Smith
  • Jonathan Bennett as Aaron Samuels
  • Daniel Franzese as Damian
  • Daniel DeSanto as Jason
  • Rajiv Surendra as Kevin Gnapoor

  • This teen movie is similar and different to other teen movies in many ways , It is similar to 'The Bling Ring' as both protagonist of both films want to fit in with the popular crowd as they are the newbies and outsiders , these show topics of fitting in and have popularity is key for a teen . It differs as it not only mentions about the Popular it , it also involves other cliques that are not so conventionally popular and its ending has a different outcome to most would expect.

    Tuesday 17 December 2013

    representation of stereotypes


    definition of stereotypes: 
    A stereotype is a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of  particular type of person, thing or group. 
    can you guess the stereotype ?





                               End of exercise                                                         

    Within plenty teen movies there are always stereotypes about different
     groups of students in 'high schools'. some of the main grow identified in these movies are the jocks, 
    cheerleaders, geeks,the cocky students, mean girls etc. These cliques are what 
    define students and their personalities in these films, in order to conform with 
    their clique they adopt a certain attitude in order to represent their groups. 

    The producers of the film 'Not another teen movie' 
    decided to use intertextuality in order to enhance the comedy aspect 
    \of the movie, also the use of intertextuality makes the film relatable as it includes 
    the same ideas and stereotypes that occur in various  popular teen movies. the films included in this movie are: 10 things i hate about you, american beauty, american pie, can't hardly wait, the breakfast club, she's all that. 

    The trailer to 'Not another teen movie'.



    A term used to define all people of a certain belief into a mostly negative category that may only reflect a selected few of the racial demographics. 

    Monday 16 December 2013

    Story lines and Plot

            How are binary oppositions established in teen film openings?
           The film into is GREASE..........                                                    
    Grease is a well known american musical film made in 1978 by Paramount Pictures following the journey of two teenager lovers Sandy and Danny that fall in love over the summer holidays. Grease genre has shown to be romance between the two lovers Sandy and Danny but also the relationships that develop throughout the movie between The Pink Ladies and the T-Birds


        Romance (love/innocence)
               Different cliques
                Social statuses


                                       Characters                                                                 T-Birds                                                       Danny,Doody,Sonny,Kenckie,Putzie                                                                                      
                                                  Pink Ladies                                                 Sandy,Marty,Frenchy,Jan,Rizzo

    In the film intro we come to see that there are many different binary oppositions                                            
    Innocence              vs         Bad Boy
    The Pink Ladies   vs         T-Birds
    Sandy                    vs         The Pink Ladies
    Youth                    vs         Education

    Also we see that there is binary opposition in the four technical areas 
    • Mise en scene
    • Sound
    • Camera
    • Editing

    Binary opposition in Mise en Scene 
    In the opening intro to Grease we quickly become aware of the different characters as The Pink Ladies are shown to be wearing pink dresses with a pink bomber jacket on top whereas the opposition T-Birds are shown to be wearing black leather jackets with a black T-Shirt tucked inside high waisted jeans.

    Sandy body language is shown to be reserved and innocent as when we are first introduced to her character she is shown to be a shy person who later develops her personality.Whereas The Pink Ladies are shown to be more flirtatious and are confident girls as they are shown to be popular just like the T-Birds.
    Cigarettes have shown to be the key prop in the movie Grease as we see that both T-Birds and The Pink Ladies smoke showing sense of rebellion highlighting common themes shown in teen movies.
    Mise en scene has been used in the movie Grease as we see that both friendship have shown to have different hangout places which could show their class as The Pink Ladies are shown to hang out at the Diner which is sophisticated and modern whereas the binary opposition T-Birds hangout at the garage which is shown to be dirty, dull. 


     Binary oppositions in Sound

    Binary oppositions have been used in sounds as we see songs are performed by different group members during the play

                                           Summer Nights 

                                            We Go Together 

                                   Your The One That I Want 

    Binary opposition in Camera

    Binary oppositions has been used in camera with the different camera shots such close up of Sandy face showing her expression and emotion. 

    We also see a mid shot of The Pink Ladies when they are having a group discussion on whether they want to let Sandy in the group. From this mid shot we see The Pink Ladies in a whole another view as they are shown to be 4 tough girls that are in a clique. Linking with other teen films as we see that most movies are shown with friends in friendship groups which is what Sandy eventually gains with The Pink Ladies. 

    Binary opposition in Editing 

    Binary opposition has been used in editing between the oppositions as we see that the pace of the scene is of medium pace we see that Sandy, Danny, The Pink Ladies and the T-Birds have the most screen-time as they are the main characters in the movie Grease.

                                                             Cast Interview


    Friday 13 December 2013

    Write up of Bling Ring

                                                  The Bling Ring  

    Teen Drama:Type of drama series which main focus is on teenage characters. 

    Bling Ring has shown to be a teen drama because the characters involved in the movie are teenagers/young adults so it is easy for modern teenagers to relate to as the topics discussed in the movie are associated with what teenagers deal with in their everyday activities which would appeal to them. 

    Bling Ring follows the life of a bunch of teenagers that involve themselves in drugs substances whilst robbing well known celebrities that they idolise homes whilst still managing to life their teenage life of drinking partying



    Emma Watson

    Katie Chang
    Gavin Rosdale 
    Israel Broussard 

                       Conventions shown in Bling Ring 

    • Themes and topics
    • Relationships
    • Crime
    • Cliques/Friendship Groups
    • Partying
    • Alcohol/Drugs
    • Celebrities
    • Fashion
    • Money
    • Music 
    • Greed
    • Aspired by celebrities 


    • Beach
    • School
    • Friends homes
    • Celebrities houses
    • Clubs

    In the film Bling Ring we seen that the actors portraying the characters are young adults themselves trying to play stereotypical teenagers of today. 
      Music used in Bling Ring fits well with its theme as the music is young modern hip-hop which teenagers listen to today so they will be able to relate to the movie. 

    Bling Ring links with other teen films that I have seen as in this movie we see that they are in a clique where we see stereotypical characters the ringleader that strings them along which is exactly what happened in Bling Ring with Rebecca and the others stringing them along to help her rob some of her idols homes,with them being in a clique it gives of a sense of superior authority over others. We see that Bling Ring shown less ethical differences as we can see the characters are of middle/upper class.

    However Bling Ring differs from other teen films as we see the friendship develop in teen films are real friendships whereas in Bling Ring we see the characters did not know each other as they cast each other out when they are caught showing how they were all using each other rather than building a real friendship with each other apart from that Bling Ring also tackles serious topics such as crime being the sub genre which is not common in teen films.
