Sunday 26 January 2014

ideas for own film opening

own film opening:

I decided to put in my own research of what ideas I would put into my own film opening
and I have figured out that I would focus more on certain sub genres to teen movies such as: teen comedy and teen dramas, this is because I would be able to relate to teenagers on a personal level as teen drams touch on subjects and situations that teenagers go through every day, whereas I also will utilise teen comedy to contradict the realities and seriousness of these situations as it will allow teens to deal with their issues without becoming depressed or discouraged by them as the comedy side of things would assist in decreasing stress levels.

I recognise that there are plenty of different genres of movies that I could have chosen from such as: Chick flicks and Teen action. However I felt as though you can only interest a certain type of audience with those genres and I've thought that if I were ever to make a film opening I would want to engage as many people as possible.

As for sound, it would depend on the story at hand, for example if the opening of the film had a slow pace when it comes to editing I would keep Foley sound at the forefront, above the backing track as this way the viewers would be able to understand as much of the opening as possible by being aware of the things going on with the characters as well as around them. And vice versa with a film opening with a more fast pace.

                                                                       Teen drama:

 Teen comedy:

Teen action:

Chick flick:

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