Monday 6 January 2014

Teen Film

Teen Film

Camp Rock is a musical teen movie that is focused on the protagonist Mitchie, a teen girl who desperately wishes to spend her summer at the famous camp which is especially for the arts (music and dance).

The most known actors in the film at the time were:

The Jonas Brothers

Mitchie is only able to attend the camp if she is willing to help out in the kitchen as one of the cooks. 

While at the camp she is overheard singing by the teen pop star Shane whose uncle owns the camp, but is not seen. 

Shane after hearing her then goes on to do everything in his power through the movie to find the mystery girl (Mitchie). But before any of that can happen Mitchie has to overcome her lies, face her fears and become the real her.


This is a tale of lies, friendship, romance and hate.

but one thing one cannot forget is that is is a tale of MUSIC!!

The twists and turns throughout this movie portray the themes in an excellent manner.
the themes are:

  • Friendship
  • Lies                                                                                      
  • Betrayal                                                    
  • Romance   
  • Fame                                                                
  • Family                                                      
  •  Dreams/aspirations  


The whole film is based in a Camp site but within the camp site there had been other little hangouts for the characters to explore.

As with every teen film camp rock had to have at least one scene with the black guys rapping or dancing.

Along with that obviously there had to be that one emotional song where the protagonist finds themselves (in this case it had actually been sung by the character rather than played as non-diegetic sound).

Good: The ending was not obvious 
Bad: The cheesy lines

So all in all this had been a success as many teens are able to relate to some of the issues that arose during the move such as: dreams, friendship and betrayal etc. This had been a teenagers life all packed into a movie (well without the music).

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