Friday 10 January 2014

Shot By Shot Remake Task

For our task , we are going to remaking the opening of The Breakfast Club . In the opening  of this film , we as a audience are introduced to the main characters of the film , The Jock , The Brain , The Rich Girl, The Criminal , The Weird Girl , whom all enter the scene of the school buliding differently in terms of transport , which reflects the characters personalities and lifestyles .

Characters :

The Jock : The popular sporty type whose dream is to play a sport professional , father figure is plays a dominate figure in their life , who is stern with the idea of succeeding in sports

The Brain : The boy ho is the clever child , but doesn't act like he is , is constantly in arguments with his mother , usually his little sibling is the favourite , dependent on his mother who drives a quite old car  , could suggest working class family

The Rich Girl : The rich girl who is stubborn and snotty also spoilt, she is a daddy's girl who dads runs his own business , looks down upon people.

The Criminal : Lonely boy who many don't like , walking to school by himself quite isolated for enviorment and everyone around him , suggests his working class or even lower class status .

The Weird girl : the weird girl who everyone thinks is a loser , is isolated from her family , is driven to school and then straight  away left to be alone , no acknowledgment about her in her family or school .

From the opening of the film , you can see bits of locations that suggest a school environment before introducing the characters . For example , the sounds of the school bell ringing , and then a jump cut to the outside of the school building showing the kids entering and leaving . also , the view of the clock before this to suggest for the time for the bell . This image of a school is also shown through the modes of transport the character take such as cars , and walking , even though the are the same , all character have a different experience of it .

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