Saturday 11 January 2014

Self Evulation

What I have learnt

From looking at my work I have looked at what I have learnt from blogging and the different uses of sources I have used in order to make my work interactive as well as evaluating  how I can improve my blog to make sure it is to the best of my ability.

What I have learnt is how openings of films are made and the different stages a film goes through in order to be published for the public to watch which comes in handy for when we come to make our opening scene as we will be able to use our knowledge of the title opening in films to help us when doing our title opening and knowing what order to place them in.
Production Companies is also something that we discussed the difference between big production company that are used for well known movies with well known stars (Brad Pitt, Will Smith)and low production companies that produce small budgeted movies.
 Conventional themes is something we looked at also the different topics that we find mostly in teen films

  • Relationships
  • Peer Pressure
  • Partying/Alcohol

We have looked at a few teen films such as Bling Ring, Mean Girls as well as me personally watching other movies such as Bring It On, White Chicks, St Trinians,Fish Tank, Adulthood and Kidulthood films that target teenagers and looking at the different techniques that they use in order to engage the audience

What I can improve

From looking through my blog post I have seen where I can improve my work by making sure that I use a range of different technology such as prezzi etc to make my blogs more interactive instead of using images all the time. As well as this I will make sure that I also use research that I have looked at in order to help me when doing my opening scene in groups so I can use my work and knowledge in order to help when coming to filming, blogging, editing our opening scene.

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