Monday 6 January 2014

Teen Film

                      BRING IT ON:ALL OR NOTHING

Bring it on all or nothing is shown to be a teen comedy movie based on the life of high school student Brittney who was a popular cheerleader and her transaction of moving schools and continuing her cheer leading dreams entering competitions in order to win the grand prize of being dancers in Rihanna Pon De Replay video. 

Partying and Music

Friendship is one the themes that is used in the movie as we see that Brittney finally discovers her true friends in the end of the movie and loses some long the way of her transaction

Relationship is another key them in the movie as we see that at first Brittney has the pitch perfect relationship with her boyfriend Brad which begins to drift once Brittney leaves Pacific Vista High School to move to a more low key school as Brad begins to spend more time with Winnie which later on prom night i revealed how she slept with him behind Brittney back whilst this is happening Brittney forms a new friendship with Jesse 

Key Characters

Brittney-White Girl

Brittney better known as White Girl is shown to be a cheerleader who is popular and has a jock as her boyfriend 


 Camille is at first Brittney nemesis as she feels at threat due to Brittney's good cheer leading techniques leading to calling her White Girl but as the movie goes on they develop their friendship further



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