Saturday 18 January 2014

self evaluation:

                                             what I have learnt:

Throughout this blogging process so far I have learnt a considerable amount of things about the film industry, teen movies and TV dramas. Through this blog I have been able to document this knowledge I have acquired so far, and I find it to be really helpful for me as I am able to look back at the blog for revision purposes. The main things I have learnt from this course so far as a whole Is how to work in a team, as this blog is a major part of my course work, group work has become essential in order to succeed. So skills such as people skills, time management, organisational skills and many more have become regular skills that I have to constantly apply during lessons.

As well as this I have learnt about what the openings to a film consists of from the production and distribution companies involved to the title sequence, the opening to most films are similar and conventional in the layout of what is mentioned leading up to the actual film. Another thing I have learnt to do is identify the different factors that make up a typical teen movie, these include: stereotypical characters (jock, cheerleaders etc.), settings/locations (high school), props (drugs, messy bedrooms etc.)
                                What I will do to improve:

I have realised that in my posts I haven't been experimental enough, and this portrays some of my blogs to be quite boring and uninteresting,so in order to improve my work I will try to include more visual aspects to it. Also I will try to include more detailed quality pieces of writing even though it will be minimal to show that I understand the work I have been set. Furthermore, It will benefit any viewers of our blog as they will be able to understand it just as well. 

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