Sunday 2 February 2014


From watching the framing tutorial on how to make angles/shots better it has enabled me to reflect on my filming and how I can use the different techniques shown to me to help me better my film opening

From the tutorial we learnt of different angles

  • Cut Aways
  • Match Cut
  • The Third Rule 
  • Pan and Tilt 
  • Eye Level
  • Close Ups 
Cut Away-  A cut away shot is when a camera is taken away from the centre of the scene to another scene in order to change the scenery, introduce a new character this can be very helpful when were filming our opening scene as it will allow us to use cut away to introduce new characters in our opening. 

Eye Level- Camera are usually put at eye level in order to show a close up of the characters face can be to shown their emotion or to shown vulnerability in some cases. This would be beneficial in using for our opening scene as we have based our topic on the theme of bullying so by having the camera on eye level of the character we are able to sense vulnerability which fits in as the sense of being vulnerable is common when being bullied. 

The Rule Of Thirds- The Rule Of Thirds is a technique that is used in TV Drama's and soaps in order to give them a seamless effect which places the character in a certain position as the camera is shown to be divided into three sections 

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