Saturday 1 February 2014

Pitch - Sub-Genre

Our film sub genre will be teen drama this is because we felt that through a teen drama we will be able to relate to our target audience as this will enable us to touch on subjects pertaining to the everyday lives of teenagers today. We explored various types of sub genres that we felt would fit with our opening such as:

•Comedy film ( White Chicks)
•British drama film (Fish Tank)
•Crime comedy ( St Trinian's)
•Action film (Fast ad Furious)

Films that have inspired us for our opening

St Trinian's :

 From St Trinian's we will be adapting the common British school concept as in the movie we see that the location is a British private school located in a rich area of London, from this we will be getting the school concept as we will be filming outside a school in London, this will help us when coming to filming as we will be able to use similar objects from the St Trinians movie.

Fish Tank :

We are basing our opening on the Fish Tank where we see a normal girl living in a estate in the middle of London, trying to fit in a certain friendship group we will use this as our setting is going to be based in an estate in London which is comparison with the Fish Tank movie.  

Fast and Furious :

From fast and furious I will be adapting the opening title as we see that in the opening of Fast and Furious the scenes are mixed with the titles which makes the opening look more engaging and wasn't us to watch more we will adapt this technique to our opening to make it more engaging.

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