Saturday 1 February 2014

The Title of Our Opening Scene and Treament

 Title of opening scene :

"NEW GIRL On The Block"

After discussing our initial ideas our film , we came up with the name 'New Girl On The Block' as this would follow a character who was new to her surroundings.

The Treament :

Our film opening will be about a teenage girl Shannon ,who is new to the area and is trying to fit into her new surroundings. However she has a hard time doing so as two girls are persistent in prohibiting her from fitting in , this also being the reason why she has moved before .

If this were to be presented as a full movie we would showcase the ideas of friendship, heart break, aspirations and social challenges. The way in which we would show these ideas is through the characters journeys throughout the movie, as they would have gotten into certain situations that would show any one of the previously mentioned ideas. For example we composed a mock scene where the main character and her enemy become friends over a period of time whilst spending a certain amount of time together in detention. Within our film opening, we will show the main character about to experience  her first day at a new school however before she arrives at her new school 'Shannon' gets flash backs of the bullying she encountered whilst at her old school, this later shows her journey to school, as well as incorporating the things she sees on her way there such as the two girls who she later has conflict with.

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