Friday 28 February 2014

Rough cut of our film opening-Feedback

                              Feedback on our rough cut film opening. 
Throughout the editing process we were able to enquirer about the progress of our film opening from our peers who our film opening is aimed at, as well as our teachers. this we felt was extremely helpful as it allowed us to improve our film opening through final cut pro properly with a better understanding of what we needed to do. Despite the various constructive feedback we received from our target audience, we decided to go to our teacher for her opinion on the work we were doing and this is what she had to say about it:
  • we needed to pick up the pace of our editing
  • we had too many mid shots as well as long shots and needed to incorporate more close ups of Sanaa  our main character. 
we took on this advice and tried to improve these things as much as we could.  

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