Monday 3 February 2014

Pitch-Institutional Detail

                                               Institutional detail:

We decided that the UK film council would be the company to produce our film, this is because they have a wide range of experience in producing British independent movies as well as major box office movies. some of the films they have produced include: Kidult hood, Attack the block, Fish tank, The iron lady and The Duchess (which starred keira Knightley). We also figured that seeing as our film would be a British independent movie, the UK film council would be the best company for us to enquire after as they encourage independent film makers to come forward. We also felt that this would be the most effective company for us to use as coincidentally most of the films we have drawn inspiration from are movies they have produced and so it would a more productive company for us to go to.
Their website:
Here we researched their box office figures and the contributions they have made to the film industry which was really insightful and detailed.
As for distribution and editing, the fact that we have chosen this company will increase the chances of those points being a success, as they will be able to contact other highly relevant companies to back us. As well as this, the editing will be of the highest quality as they will have the equipment and professionals needed In order for it to look legit.

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