Friday 21 February 2014

Reflective Post on Filming

What I enjoyed about filming

What I enjoyed filming our opening scene was that everyone in the group was very determined to make sure that we had good shots, this showed through our dedication, in filming as we all met up early to make sure that we had the whole day to film just in case of any problems that could cause us to stop filming (weather).
I enjoyed experimenting with the camera testing different angles and different shots that we could use in order to make the opening flow. Everyone contributed with ideas of ways to make the filming go better and how we could improve it, we worked well as a team as we all gave each other good feedback as well as improvements which I found was very useful as it saved us more time of having to film. During the day whilst filming we had fun also which made the day go faster and more enjoyable. On the other hand some of the public was very engaged with our filming and wanted to know what our opening was about.

What I felt went well on the day

  • Got good shots/angles
  • Weather was great
  • Good teamwork 

What I feel could be improved 

What I feel we could improve would be to make sure that the camera was in a good angle as most occasions the road was uneven which affected our filming as the tripod would be uneven making our shots look wonky leading us to go back and re doing shots which was time wasting. This could be resolved next time we film by making sure that we film on a soft surface so we are able to get a good angle when filming.

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