Sunday 2 February 2014

Pitch - Skills audit to date

Throughout our project we have come into contact with various types of technology and software. it has been really interesting and beneficial for us to have experienced these things as it has increased our knowledge about the different roles media plays in society today. Learning about and using these items has also enabled us to become more independent when working because we have been able to explore and apply the technology to our work as a group.

The equipment we will use for this project is really important as this is where all our footage will be stored and transferred through ,for editing purposes. The main piece of equipment we will be using is a canon camera to film our opening, this is because of its high quality and it's variety of functions. we will be using a few other pieces of equipment that will assist us in creating and finalising our project. Software is also an important aspect overall as we will be using programmes such as 'final cut pro' to edit our film opening, we are using this programme because it is reliable and it's purpose is to allow people to transfer footage onto it and edit, process and output it into a wide variety of formats which proves to be useful as we are constantly finding new ways and programmes that will showcase the work we do.

Collectively we have realised that blogging has been the main source for us to publicise our knowledge on the things we learn in media. And as a group we realise that although the information we produce on our blogs needs to be accurate and insightful (showing our own understanding), the aesthetics of it needs to be more present, as a blog should be visually informative, this is effective as it is interesting for our viewers/readers to look at and it poses a new way for others to learn as it isn't conventionally presented.

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