Sunday 2 February 2014

Pitch - Risk Assessment

When filming to keep us and the equipment we decided to look at the risks possible and ways to prevent the hazards and accidents from happening .

Scene/Location : Estate

Hazard : Cars and Others in estate , also inside estate (  Balcony )
Risk Rating : High
To Prevent Risk : Check if the ground is suitable for a tripod to be placed on  work together as a group to supervise the equipment
Make sure equipment is supervised at all times

Scene/Locations : Road ( Street)
Hazard: Cars on road , also the area located in
Risk Rating : Medium
To Prevent Risk : Use a road which is mostly empty during the hours of the day ; also check once again if ground and area is suitable for filming and placing objects on .

Scene/Location : School
Hazards : Space issues and grounding of the park , also isn't a lot of people around
Risk Rating : Medium
To Prevent Risk : Use area of school with a spacious area ,Always keep an eye for the equipment

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